Friday, January 30, 2009


Hey guys, sorry for being so quiet lately!

But things have been a little hectic, I had my first rotary meeting and I started school the other day, which is going alright.

I'm not sure if I'm going to have internet access for the next week as I'm staying with another family because my host family now is going on holidays. So expect my next post to be very informative! haha

Hope everything is well in Oz, chat soon!


Monday, January 26, 2009


So I'm finally here!

It's been good so far, my family is really nice.

The trip over here was pretty painful though. We figured it out that I was travelling for about 36 hours all together! Insane, needless to say after not having a shower for that long, I wasn’t feeling very ‘fresh’ when I arrived. I met some interesting people on the way over, at airports and on the planes. When people see the jacket they just start talking to you! On my last flight into San Antonio I met a man from the medical side of military who works in third world countries. He was really nice and off loaded some American lollies on me called ‘Jolly Ranchers’. I haven’t tried them yet. He also gave me one of his ration packs, but it has meat in it so I will probably send it home :P In Auckland I also ran into the kids who were on their way to Brazil, including Alex Murray who is also from the Burdekin and a couple of other kids from our district who had left the day before, when I was supposed to leave. I couldn’t believe it! So it was good to hang out with them a bit since I was travelling on my own. Anyhow, as Nan predicted, the trip went pretty much hassle free, although I almost missed my connecting flight from Dallas to San Antonio because the Dallas flight had been a little delayed. So I had to run from one end of this, quite large, airport to the other to make it in time. Luckily there was another guy from my Dallas flight heading there too, so I just followed him.

The first thing I noticed was the whole, driving on the other side of the road thing. I was at the San Francisco airport and I saw a car reversing, but there was no one in what would be the driver’s seat at home, so I thought for a moment it was reversing on its own :P They have deer here too in New Braunfels! They literally just roam the streets and eat the plants in people’s yards! My host mother said that they once had a baby one stuck in the garage at their lake house but as they only go there on weekends they didn’t find it till, well possibly a week later, it was still alive and they called the vet, but it died unfortunately.

I got to meet my host parent’s grand kids yesterday! They are adorable, we watched Barbie and the Diamond Castle and coloured in for a while before I went to a bridal shower with my host mother for one of her friend’s daughters, pictured on the right. She is holding a 'bow bouquet' made up of the bows from the gifts recieved at the bridal shower. Traditionally this is used at the wedding rehersal as the brides bouquet. I got to meet a heap of different people there, some of whom I will be getting to know very well as they are involved with rotary. My third host mother Cindy was also there, so I'm glad I got to meet her. At the hosts home there were animal heads mounted on the wall, which I found quite terrifying really, they were huge! And they had a room with the walls full of them.

After the shower I went on my first shopping trip to the supermarket with my host mum. There were some wacky things in there, some of which I’ve taken photos of, I must have looked crazy taking photos of, what is to them, normal everyday things :P

So yeah, I might be starting school Monday, but I haven’t spoken to my counsellor and she is supposed to organise that with me so I’m not sure what is going on there.

Anyways, I’m outtie, we are supposed to be going into San Antonio today to look at a puppy and some shopping. I have no clothes, literally though, I didn’t have enough room in my suitcase after all the Aussie souvenirs and gifts I had to bring!

Happy Australia Day kiddies!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Getting To The Airport And Actually Getting On The Plane: Take Two.

As some of you will know, I was supposed to fly out of Townsville this morning and set off on one of the greatest adventures of my life. All was going well; we woke up at 2:30 in the morning and managed to stumble out of the house at 3. We arrived at the airport at 4:30, as estimated and checked in without a problem.

We sat down and started to get comfortable while we waited for the farewell party to arrive. After about 5 minutes one of the airline staff approached us, informing us that there was an electrical fault with the plane and that there was an estimated three hour delay. For some reason we decided that, although it would be close, I would still probably have enough time to get through to my connecting flight.

I was supposed to be travelling with a fellow exchange heading to Canada. Soon after she arrived and learnt that the flight had been delayed, she switched airlines and grabbed a ticket for 6 o’clock, requesting that the airline page me and tell me what was going on. By the time I got to service desk, heard what was going on and made my way to the other airline the flight had been closed, I’d missed my opportunity.

Drama after drama, in our early morning hazy we tried to see if there were any other earlier flights to Brisbane where I would catch my connecting flight to Auckland. Or perhaps catch a flight to Sydney or Cairns and then to Auckland? In the meantime I asked the service desk to recall my luggage as I was more than likely changing my flight. When I got it, it was absolutely COVERED in dust and one of the handles was broken, creating a hole into my bag.
So we then asked service if they could do something to compensate. We were told that all they could do was send it away to get fixed, which would take about 2 weeks...

In the end, we decided that the best course of action would be to switch my international flights from Thursday to Friday and just try again tomorrow with new, stronger luggage... and a different airline :P


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Take Off

Well its officially one day before I leave. The thought is kind of exciting yet utterly nerve wracking at the same time. I get excited when I think of all the things that are ahead of me yet simultaneously scared of other things which lay ahead of me and of course sad for the things I love which I'm leaving behind.

I'm basically packed now, what a mission. 20kg is ridiculous, so I've settled for 21 :P That said my hand luggage is 3kg overweight, maybe more, I'm just hoping that they don’t notice.

I hope to see all of you at the airport to see me off too! :P

Will miss you all,
